IPhone Photos

With today’s technology smart phones feature state of the art cameras that capture high quality images. New smartphones are integrating larger sensors with higher resolution, better lenses, and easy to use photo editing applications and filters. Using smartphones has become the most popular way of taking photographs throughout the world.

Tips for using a smartphone camera for capturing high quality images:

    • create depth by including foreground, middle ground, and backgroun
    • for enhanced photo composition use Rule of Thirds
    • use burst mode for action shots (10 photos per second)
    • use HDR mode for high contrast shots
    • use different perspectives taking shots (i.e. from ground level)

Special Note: You may want to review your smart phone camera for great photos and upload them to your computer. Create folders for different categories (family, vacations, etc.). A fun thing to do is to zoom in on an image on your smartphone, take a screen shot of it, and then upload these revised photos to your computer.